5.12 Conclusion

Well, that concludes our orientation time together. I hope that you have gotten a sense of more than just our expectations and rules here at Easy Living. I hope you have also observed that we are serious about supporting our care partners and we are thankful for your hard work every day. Remember, we are […]

5.11 Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

History Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was first discovered in 1906 by a German doctor named Alois Alzheimer. It is a disorder of the brain, causing damage to brain tissue over a period of time. The disease can linger from 2 to 25 years before death results. AD is a progressive, debilitating and eventually fatal neurological illness […]

5.10 Working in Senior Living Communities

At Easy Living, we have care partners serving clients throughout the greater community. Many clients live in their homes. Some clients live with loved ones. Other clients live in senior living communities. We are happy to serve all of our clients, no matter where they live! Over the past few years, more and more Easy […]

5.09 Working with Hospice

There are many types of services that an Easy Living client may receive. Not all of those services will come from Easy Living. We are a part of the client’s team that helps them to live as independently as possible. Sometimes, clients receive hospice or palliative care services. These services come from other organizations in […]

5.08 Communicating with the Office

Communication is even more important in a home care agency. After all, our office staff doesn’t interact with our care partners daily during shifts because you are out in the community, serving clients in their homes. One way we communicate with one another is through your daily documentation. However, you should also communicate with us […]

5.07 Handling Concerns or Complaints

Even the very best care partners can hear complaints or concerns from family members or clients. It’s important that you know how we expect you to handle and resolve them. There are plenty of reasons why clients or family members may have concerns, including the most common ones we hear: concerns over care or communication […]

5.06 Cell Phone Expectations

I’m thankful for my cell phone, and I’m sure you are thankful for yours. It keeps me updated on all of my work tasks and it ensures that my kiddo can reach me if he needs me. Cell phones also allow Easy Living care partners to access our caregiver app, document and even clock in […]

5.05 Dignity and Independence

Easy Living believes that dignity and independence are cornerstones of the client experience. During all of your interactions with the clients you serve, you should always find ways to help maintain their dignity and their independence. Let’s talk a little more about what that looks like together. Dignity is defined as being worthy of honor […]

5.03 Infection Control

When you care for a client in their homes, it is important that you do your best to keep them from getting sick and to keep yourself from getting sick too. Infection control is important for all healthcare organizations, including Easy Living. It is always our goal to follow the best practices and recommendations for […]

5.02 Meeting New Clients and Greeting Returning Clients

A positive client experience begins when you first ring their doorbell or knock on the door. No matter if it is the first time you are meeting a client or if it is the 100th time you are caring for a client, make sure you start their experience on the right foot. Before you ring […]

5.01 What Quality Care Means to Us

At Easy Living, we take our role for providing exceptional care to clients very seriously. We know that it takes a lot for clients and their family members to invite us into their homes and into their lives. Therefore, it’s important that every staff member, including our care partners, know the basic expectations we have […]

4.3 Incidents, Emergencies, and Safe Shift Check

Emergencies can happen on your shift. Unusual incidents or downright strange things can also happen while you are serving a client. It’s completely natural to feel worried, anxious, or even scared when these things happen. However, it is more important to remain calm and to ensure the safety of your client. If your client falls […]

4.2 Where and What to Document

We want documentation to be as easy as possible for you to complete. You can access your documentation on your ClearCareGo app. Here are common items you will need to document when you work as a caregiver here at Easy Living. First, you will need to document the tasks you completed during your shift. You […]

4.1 Why Your Documentation Is Important

If you’ve worked in a healthcare environment before, you already know that documentation is a major part of everyone’s job. You might have even heard the common phrase, “if you didn’t document it, it didn’t happen.” Here at Easy Living, caregiver documentation is the foundation of how we communicate with one another and how we […]

3.2 Where to Find It

Now that you understand how important the care plan is, you have to know where to access it. You can find a client’s care plan in your ClearCareGo app. Your tasks that you document each shift on the app are taken right from the care plan as well. When you document about your tasks, it […]

3.1 The Care Plan: What It Is and How We Use It

We are on to one of my favorite topics to talk about: the client care plan. I love talking about the care plan because almost anything you need to know about a client is there. The client care plan is like a road map, giving all of our directions on how to care for the […]

2.4 Advance Directives

Finally, let’s talk about advance directives. These are legal documents that allow people to know your wishes or decisions in case you are unable to make those decisions on your own. It is common for clients we serve to have advance directives. The types we are going to cover today are Power of Attorney and […]

2.3 Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality is an important part of your job as a caregiver here at Easy Living. Not only are we an agency that has to follow HIPAA laws from the federal government, keeping our client’s information private and their care confidential is just one more way we can preserve their dignity. Let’s talk about […]

2.2 Abuse and Neglect

Working with clients in their homes means you have a front-row seat to their daily life. You get to know the clients you serve, which means you might notice signs that could potentially point to abuse or neglect. We are going to spend some time reviewing types of abuse, as well as signs to report […]

2.1 Client Rights

Now that we have the basics about Easy Living covered, let’s talk about our clients. After all, they are the ones that we are here for, right? View the complete Client Bill of Rights Our clients are all unique, each with their own personalities, preferences, and needs. It’s our job to make sure each one […]

1.8 Where to Find PPE

Part of our dedication to our Care Partners is ensuring that you have the tools you need to stay safe and to provide the best care possible. Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, is one of those tools. PPE includes items like gloves, masks, and gowns. You can find the PPE required for your clients in […]

1.7 Important Phone Numbers and Contact Information

While you have your smartphone out, take the time now to save these important phone numbers. You can also jot these down on paper and put a copy in your wallet, car, or other designated location. Telephony clock in and clock out number: 844-203-2288 The Easy Living scheduling phone number, available 24/7: Pinellas & Pasco: […]

1.6 Clocking In and Out

Clocking in and out of your shift not only gives us the information we need to process payroll, it is also a way for us to know that you were with your patient. Clocking in and out is part of your documentation as a Care Partner. Clocking in and out also allows us to meet […]

1.5 Payment Schedule and Options

Let’s talk paychecks, shall we? Getting paid is important and our office team works hard to give you options for getting paid as well as ensuring you are paid on time.  Our payroll is processed every two weeks, with pay days on Fridays. You can elect to be paid via direct deposit or via a […]