Completing Task

Caring for a Loved One with Dementia

When a loved one starts exhibiting symptoms of dementia, it is imperative to administer the necessary care to the patient to help them cope with their changing mental state. The effects of dementia progress with age, so senior care is crucial when looking after someone with dementia. A caregiver can take several measures to help manage the disease.

Good Nutrition

A good nutrition regimen helps a lot in senior care. Having a person with dementia means that maintaining this regimen is even more critical. The patient must have a healthy, balanced diet to be physically fit and to reduce their vulnerability to other illnesses. People with dementia become more confused when unwell.

Maintaining a Routine

A daily routine can help reduce behaviors such as aggression and agitation since a dementia patient finds tasks that were once easy to execute difficult. A routine involves scheduling around daily activities to reduce the frustrations of the dementia patient. The routine should include:

  • A good sleeping cycle. During senior care, it’s essential to maintain the patient’s sleeping cycle before they started showing dementia symptoms. Scheduling a sleeping time at night and minimizing naps during the day can help support the sleeping cycle. Having such schedules helps limit assisted care to daytime. 
  • Movement and exercise. Keeping a person with dementia active as much as possible is encouraged. It’s good for the body’s health and keeps the mind engaged. 
  • Have fun activities. Incorporating fun activities can be of great help while caring for dementia patients. A caregiver should identify an activity that keeps the person engaged and encourage them to keep at it. Music can supplement such activities as therapy for the patient.

Creating a Safe Environment

Maintaining general hygiene is essential since it reduces the risk of other illnesses. Also, for senior care, minimizing tripping hazards, reducing exposure to open flames, and access to objects that could be harmful to a dementia patient must be observed by a caregiver.

Flexibility for a caregiver is essential when tending to someone with dementia. As the disease progresses, so does dependency, leading to frustrations. Giving the patients choices and keeping them involved in the decision-making process can help deal with the frustrations. Contact us today to see how we can help you care for your loved one’s.


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