1.2 Your Role in our Agency’s Success


Our office is dedicated to providing exceptional in home care to our clients throughout the Clearwater area. We are also dedicated to hiring, training, and empowering Care Partners like yourself. Without you, our clients would not receive the personalized care and companionship they deserve and need.

As a Care Partner at Easy Living, you are a representative of our agency in the client’s home, in the neighborhood, and in the medical office. We expect you to be:

  • Professional
  • Friendly
  • Helpful
  • Genuine

We also rely on you to be the eyes and ears in the client home. We’ll talk about documentation and communication later on, but it is important that you know that we take your observations seriously. Your accurate documentation helps us to adapt the Care Plan, give better care, and even keep clients out of the hospital.

Our Care Partners are the foundation of our agency.


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