1.4 Dress Code

Part of professionalism is looking the part. We do have expectations for our Care Partners when it comes to dress code.

Please wear scrubs that are clean and look nice.

Wear closed-toed shoes. This keeps you safe. If you’ve ever accidentally kicked the back of a wheelchair with open-toed shoes, you already know how much closed-toed shoes make a difference.

Watch the length of your nails. Nails that are too long can puncture gloves as well as prevent you from performing personal care assistance safely and efficiently. Keep those nails trimmed and clean.

Wear no jewelry if possible. If not possible, choose only small pieces. Large pieces of jewelry can be distracting and can get in the way during care assistance.

Keep your hair kempt and clean.

Let us know if you have any specific questions about our dress code. We are here to help!


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