2.2 Abuse and Neglect

Working with clients in their homes means you have a front-row seat to their daily life. You get to know the clients you serve, which means you might notice signs that could potentially point to abuse or neglect.

We are going to spend some time reviewing types of abuse, as well as signs to report or look for. Keep in mind, clients deserve to be free from abuse and neglect from their caregivers – like you – and from their loved ones or friends.

Physical abuse is when the abuser harms the client with physical actions. For example, pinching, kicking, or slapping a client.

Emotional or psychological abuse is when the abuser threatens, intimidates, or demeans the client with their words or actions. For example, calling the client “stupid” or threatening to cut them off from family members could be considered emotional abuse.

Sexual abuse is when the abuser forces a client to participate in unwanted sexual acts.

Financial abuse, sometimes called exploitation, is when the abuser uses the client’s finances without their consent or improperly. This type of abuse is very common, unfortunately, and can include examples like asking for the client’s pin number to take out money from the ATM that the abuser uses on themselves.

Neglect is a type of abuse where the abuser does not give the care or help needed to the client. This can include leaving a client in their soiled bed or withholding treatment or medications.

Finally, abandonment is leaving a client in unsafe conditions and without planning for their care. For example, leaving a client in the bathtub alone while the abuser leaves to pick up food from a local restaurant, can be considered abandonment.

All types of senior abuse are illegal. If you are found to be abusing clients, you will be immediately terminated.

You can keep your eyes peeled for signs that could mean the client you serve is being abused in some way. If you notice any of these signs or behaviors, call our office immediately to talk about it. We want to hear what you are observing so that we can follow up and investigate properly.

Signs that could point to potential abuse can include if the client:

  • Suddenly has trouble sleeping
  • Has unexplained skin tears or bruising
  • Seems to be afraid or more anxious lately
  • Is more sad or depressed than usual

Remember, we rely on you to tell us if anything seems out of the ordinary with the clients we serve. You know them best.

This is your written notification of the State of Florida hotline for acts of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

Please be advised that the State of Florida has established a toll-free telephone number for your use in reporting actions of abuse, neglect or exploitation while you are in your home.

To Report Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation, please call: TOLL-FREE 1-800-962-2873

24 hours/7 days a week


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