3.1 The Care Plan: What It Is and How We Use It

We are on to one of my favorite topics to talk about: the client care plan. I love talking about the care plan because almost anything you need to know about a client is there. The client care plan is like a road map, giving all of our directions on how to care for the client.

Here are a few facts about each client’s care plan:

  • Care plans start as soon as a client comes on board at Easy Living. We use our assessment to start building it for each new client.
  • Care plans are person centered. This means we put the client at the center of all our decisions and care. We ask them their goals and about their preferences or routine before we write their Care Plan.
  • Care plans are flexible. We review care plans regularly and add to them or change them based on the client. We also base changes on the documentation you make about your time with them.
  • Care plans are informative and help all of us work together. It’s a one stop shop where everyone who cares for the client can see the information that helps move the client closer to their independence and wellness goals.

You’ll find a bit of everything on the care plan, from medical history to diagnosis to interventions to use in specific situations. For example, you might find that Ms. Wanda loves to use her lavender soap in the shower or that Mr. Peterson can be calmed down from his anxiety with a cup of decaf coffee in the afternoon.

We use the care plan to:

  • Get to know more about the client so that we can provide person-centered care.
  • Understand their preferences or interests better
  • Follow a preferred routine
  • Support medical orders or follow up
  • Know which tasks to do, how much assistance to provide during those tasks, and when to do the tasks

You should always pay attention to the client’s care plan, no matter if you are beginning to work with a new client or if you have worked with the same client for years.


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