5.09 Working with Hospice

There are many types of services that an Easy Living client may receive. Not all of those services will come from Easy Living. We are a part of the client’s team that helps them to live as independently as possible.

Sometimes, clients receive hospice or palliative care services. These services come from other organizations in our area. Hospice and palliative care services aren’t just for people who are actively dying. In fact, many people live for months and years while receiving hospice services. These services are for clients who have a terminal diagnosis and hospice provides additional support, pain management, and resources for the family during this time.

You will know if a client receives these services by checking the care plan.

If a client you serve receives hospice services, here are a few things to be aware of:

  • We expect you to work together with the hospice team. Be professional, friendly, and helpful during their visits. The better we all work together, the better care the client receives.
  • Check the care plan more frequently than usual, as hospice may add some additional information or support tasks based on the client’s changing health.
  • Do not call 9-1-1 if the client stops breathing. Call hospice instead.
  • Contact our agency if you have any questions or concerns about working with hospice.

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