Tampa Bay Senior Concierge Services: Family Fun Ideas

Tampa Bay senior concierge services; senior outings

Too many elders become isolated when they face transportation or mobility issues. Your Mom might feel it’s too difficult to navigate going to her favorite art gallery or play or might be worried about needing help on the outing.

Tampa Bay senior concierge services are designed so that it’s easy for elders to enjoy their favorite activities and join in outings with ease. Here’s a little bit about how EasyLiving’s Tampa Bay senior concierge services work, client stories and fun activity ideas for all ages in Tampa Bay.

How do EasyLiving’s Tampa Bay Senior Concierge Services work?

You/your family can hire us to provide a trained home health aide for regular outings or specific events. One of our clients goes out every Saturday with his caregiver for a “field trip”, which he tells his family is the highlight of his week. He lives in a Tampa Bay area nursing home and he needs assistance getting in and out of the car and needs help when he has to go to the bathroom. With our Tampa Bay Senior Concierge Services, the weekly events are mapped out according to his interests and all of his needs are taken care of while he is out and about.

Other times, we have planned for a home health aide to attend a family reunion, wedding or awards ceremony with the client. One client was receiving a huge honor as a retired professional and at one point he would never have considered attending due to his limitations. With the help of his trusted home health aide, he accepted the invitation and everything went smoothly at the event. So many of his former colleagues expressed their delight in seeing him (doing so well!) when he had not been attending events in the community for quite a while. After that event, he was seen much more frequently in the community and he began to feel less discouraged and isolated. He commented, “I felt like I got my identity back”.

Tampa Bay Senior Concierge Services: Fun Activity Ideas and Tips

Contact us (727-447-5845) for Tampa Bay Senior Concierge Services to to discuss the many ways our team can help you!

Make sure to sign up for our newsletter and visit our Facebook page for more great ideas! We’ll be sharing some special insight about Clearwater Marine Aquarium and Winter the dolphin that you won’t want to miss. Also, we’ll have great ideas for making the most of your grandchildren’s visits and fun activities that ensure they know coming to visit Grandma is the best!


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