Home Care Assistance: Client Success Stories

There’s a certain negative connotation to getting senior home care assistance.  Families often feel hesitant to talk to Mom and Dad about getting help.  Seniors may worry about losing independence by admitting that managing a household has become difficult.

The reality is that we work with clients every day whose lives improve dramatically after getting quality home care assistance.  The circumstances when clients come to us may revolve around a recent injury or chronic illness, but our mission is to help so that age, disability or disease does not affect your quality of life.  We offer Five Benefits of Introducing Home Care Services Before a Crisis, which demonstrates some of the benefits to proactively seeking help.

We will be featuring some of our senior clients and their families in a regular series, “Client Success Stories“, to share just how home care has helped them.  We hope this will be educational and may hit home with some of you who are feeling apprehension over helping an elderly parent or considering bringing in some assistance.

Here are some home care client stories we featured in the past, covering some of the diverse circumstances in which seniors and their families use home caregiver services:

“I’ve Fallen and I Want To Get Back Up”: Rehabilitating After a Senior Fall

“Date Night Interrupted”: A Story from a Sandwich Generation Caregiver

If any of these stories sound familiar or you are wondering if it might be the right time to consider home care assistance, you can contact us at 727-448-0900 for answers to all your questions.

You might also want to download our home care assistance checklist, which gives you a menu of the services EasyLiving and home care agencies can provide, so you can create a tailored plan that fits your needs:

Have a story or comment to share?  We love to hear from you!  Fill out your comment below or contact us privately.


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